NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2009: Nest 15

Nest #15 was found by Bev, on left 6/22/09, a loggerhead, moved because it was in the tide line and the bottom of the nest was already in water.  This nest was west of the open area west of Pompano Joe’s, in my West End….Hurrah. She had a bad back flipper, she came in and nested and then as usual she went 214 feet trying to find the water toward the light a Pompano Joe’s. This happens every time.  She went up down and all around, went through two holes and over a mound of sand and finally got back into the water.  Poor dear..123 eggs moved.


Nest #15 has hatched and was dug
120 escaped to the water
2 no obvious
1 dead embryo
98 % success, hurrah west enc